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01 444 5260 | | 51 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin 2


Is your business a regulated entity requiring auditing services? Call us now

Regulated Entities

CompanyAuditor4U provide audit and assurance services for regulated entities, including mortgage and insurance brokers, solicitors and estate agents.

Regulated Entities

​ Estate Agents – as regulated by the Property Services Regulated Authority

​ Mortgage/Insurance brokers - as regulated by the Central Bank Authority

​ Solicitor Practice Accounts – as regulated by the Law Society

We work with clients in the regulated sector to ensure that they have complied with their satutory requirements and professional code commitments.


Our specialist knowledge and experience will ensure audits are carried out efficiently and professionally thanks to our dedication and history of working  with mortgage and insurance brokers, solicitors and estate agents.


Our team are fully registered auditors with Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).


Providing assurance, complaince and peace of mind

Benefits Of Specialist Auditing Services For Regulated Entities

Benefits Of Specialist Auditing Services For Regulated Entities

​ Ensure best practice in audit

​ Ensure you never lose a client because you do not offer audits

​ Reduce your compliance burden

​ Spend more time on strategic issues

​ Lower costs

Accountants, for example, are realising that maintaining an audit certificate is becoming undesirable and unprofitable. Allowing accountants to offer auditing services without the hassle means they can focus on general accountancy and tax work.

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